For any questions or information about our RFID products and solutions, use the contact form below.


    Our offices

    NEXESS Sophia Antipolis

    2455 Route des Dolines,
    Gaïa 3,
    06560 Valbonne – Sophia Antipolis

    NEXESS Toulouse

    5 avenue Albert Durand
    Aéropole Bât. 1,
    31700 Blagnac

    NEXESS Paris

    Centre d’affaire la Boursidière – Bât. Q
    Hall P Rue de la Boursidière,
    92350 Le Plessis-Robinson,

    NEXESS Inc. Miami (Sales)

    French American-Chamber of Commerce of Florida
    2509 N Miami Avenue, Suite 204, 
    Miami, FL 33127, USA

    Last Award


    NEXESS won the “Top Industrial Service 2021” award for best industrial deployment of the year for its RFID tool cabinets project, supplied to AIA Cuers.

    Our News